Friday, November 25, 2011

West Texas - Terlingua Ranch

Terlingua Ranch seems like one of the last last frontiers. 195,000 acres of land slowly being developed and sectioned off into plots that range from $200-$600 per acre, depending on proximity of power lines and water. Ranch folk haul in water in tanks and collect rain. If mesquite trees are growing, likely a well can be dug. Most folks use solar and wind forces to power the electricity with generators as a back up.

Duke's land is called Camp Camel Hump after the red rock outcrop silhouetted on the horizon. Down the dirt road his friends King George, Anita and daughter Kaylee Wren perch below Red Bluff. Wes & Gina and Anna & Jim are a stone's throw away by desert standards.

Duke rollin' into Camp Camel Hump

Mike Dwyer, friend and singer songwriter at Camp Camel Hump

King George, Kaylee Wren at Red Bluff

King George at Red Bluff
King George at Red Bluff
Kaylee Wren, Desert Angel

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